4 tips to use your hot water geyser correctly and reduce the sky high electricity bill

Tips for using hot water geyser effectively

Heating water in a geyser can be an expensive task if not done correctly. A water geyser requires a lot of energy to heat water. This high consumption of electricity shoots up the electricity bill during winters. Therefore in order to lower the monthly electricity bills, it is very important to use your hot water geyser correctly.

Correct the thermostat settings of your geyser

Correct thermostat setting

Most geysers or water heaters are equipped with a device called thermostat. Thermostat  keeps the temperature of water in the geyser at a desired level by cutting off power supply once the desired temperature of water is achieved. The thermostat keeps checking the temperature of water and switch-on  the power supply once the temperature of water drops. The thermostat makes sure that the water is heated till the set temperature.

There are two types of geysers availabe in the market:

  • One with thermostat settings outside and changeable
  • Other where thermostat is not visible from outside and cannot be changed
Our Pick

Water geysers have a temperature range of 40-75 degree. Most geysers availabe in market have a default thermostat setting of 60 degree or high. This means that water in your geyser will be heated till it reaches a temperature of 60 degrees or high. Water heated up to this temperature becomes extremely hot and needs to be mixed with lot of cold water before use.

The amount of electricity used in heating water depends upon the temperature of water coming in the geyser and the temperature setting of thermostat. More is the difference between these two temperature, more is the amount of electricity required to heat water. According to many energy saving groups, water that is heated up to 40-45 degrees is good to use. So if you have a geyser with outside thermostat setting, change it from 60 degrees to 40-45 degrees. For the right amount heating as well as electricity saving the thermostat knob must be kept around the middle position.

Do not keep water geyser ON for longer duration

Using geyser effectively

Many people have a tendency of  leaving the geyser “ON” all the time. This tendency leads to lot of electricity wastage. Once the water is heated the power supply automatically cuts off. After some time hot water begins to loose the heat through the body of geyser. This way the temperature of water comes down after sometime. Once the temperature of the water is down by certain degrees, the thermostat switches on the power supply and water heating process starts all over again. This on-off process repeats all through the day and consumes electricity. So if you do not switch off your water heater, it will keep working all day and will consume electricity. (Picture source: www.allthingsd.com)

Choose right sized geyser

Right sized geyser for your home

Select the right sized geyser as per your requirement. An over-sized geyser means heating extra water that is not required. Choose the size of geyser as per the size of your family and consumption habit geyser so that electricity is not wasted.

Choose star rated geyser

Energy saving geyser

5 Star rated geysers consume less electricity for heating water as well as have much less heat loss. Install energy efficient star rated  geysers and reduce your monthly electricity bills. (Picture Source: www.shutterstock.com)

Our Pick

Follow above mentioned tips on how to use your hot water geyser correctly to lower your bill and for more ideas and information on energy saving tips visit Ideas By Mr. Right

For any kind of geyser repair and geyser installation, connect with Mr.Right

Team Mr.Right

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    Thanks for posting this article, it might be helpful for those who keep track of their electricity bills. We started saving money and installed a special meter when our electricity bills doubled. For a long time we could not understand what was the matter until I read an article about consumers energy billing problems and then we realized that such a large expense was due to the large number of electronics. Especially a lot of energy is spent by a water heater. We decided to turn it off and turn it on just before we go to the shower.

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    Thank you for your tips. Our homes will not only have a steady supply of hot water but one that is produced with a minimal amount of energy and thereby saving you money on bills while simultaneously protecting our environment.

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