Fabulous ways to prep your walls before painting

prepping walls before paint
Image Credits: United States Africa Command

Painting a room or an entire building can be a big project as not only does it involve a lot of time but also hardwork. There is a lot that goes into getting a space painted and some of those things include-looking for a painter, selecting the paint colour, prepping the space for painting and then cleaning up after the paint job has been done. Here, we have listed down a few tips and suggestions on prepping up your walls before getting them painted:

  • The first thing that you must do is remove all the pieces of furniture that can possibly be removed from the room or space.


remove furniture before painting

Image Credits: Mount Pleasant Granary


  • Once that furniture has been removed, the next step is to dust the walls so that they are clean before the paint job begins. For this, you can make use of a mop, a towel or even a vacuum cleaner. Cleaning of the walls is important because paint sticks better to smooth and clean surfaces.


clean your walls before painting

Image Credits: Mount Pleasant Granary

  • If the painting has to be done in the kitchen or the bathroom, then one thing that you can do to prep your walls is to wash them with a detergent solution. You can make this solution by adding a few teaspoons of liquid detergent to a gallon of water.
  • The next step is to remove any paint parts that seem to be flaky. You can make use of a paint scraper for this purpose. Besides flaking, painted walls can develop other types or irregularities as well. some of them include bumps and scratches. To remove these imperfections, you can make use of a sandpaper. Before clearing out the problem areas, make sure you wear gloves and safety glasses.
  • If you notice any kind of cracks on the walls, then it is important that you fill them to get an extremely smooth surface for best painting results. You can use water and mix some gap filler in it till you achieve toothpaste like consistency. Once you have done this, make use of a cloth to remove any excess amount.
  • In order to prevent painting certain parts of the wall such as wall trim and wall scones, you can use a tape known as the painters tape. It is easily available and will help you achieve the best painting results.


use painters tape where required

Image Credits: Vimeo

Now that you are done prepping your walls, you can proceed with the next step which is painting itself. Remember that if you have used a gap filler, you must let it dry completely before you apply the layer of paint or primer. Also, it is important that you first apply a coating of primer all over the walls and only then start with the paints. One needs to be very careful when painting walls or even prepping them. if you are unsure of doing it yourself, you can always call for professional help. So what are you waiting for? Go get those walls painted!

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