Geyser thermostat problems and their solutions

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A geyser is an appliance which heats water for us so that we can avail it through the taps in our houses and commercial spaces. Geysers are extremely important not just for those who live in the colder parts of the world but also for those who experience cold winter seasons.  One of the most important parts of a geyser is the thermostat. A thermostat is basically that part which helps us control the water temperature that we will obtain once the geyser has done its work. In most of the cases, people set the thermostat to a certain temperature and don’t change it but some prefer changing it accordingly to the intensity of the cold weather or other reasons.

A geyser thermostat is a part that may experience certain faults and problems. But it is important to resolve these issues because without doing so, you may not be able to utilize or use your geyser at all. The following is a list of the most common geyser thermostat problems along with some of their possible solutions:

1. Water not heating sufficiently

PROBLEM: One of the most common geyser thermostat problems is water not getting heated. This problem is related to thermostats because if the thermostat is set to a lower temperature then the water won’t heat as much as you would like it to.


  • In this case, you may need to reach the thermostat first and then turn it to a desired setting.
  • For this, you may need to first turn off the electricity supply to the geyser and then oven the protective covering.
  • Now use a small screw driver to turn the knob of the thermostat.
  • Check whether the water is getting properly heated now.
  • If not, turn the thermostat to an even higher degree of temperature.

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2. Stuck thermostat

PROBLEM: Another common geyser thermostat problem is a stuck thermostat. Sometimes what happens is that the thermostat knob or functioning gets stuck at a certain point and this can result in either too hot water all the time or too cold water.

SOLUTION: If you do not like the temperature of the water being received, then it may be difficult to turn the thermostat knob. In such a situation, you may have to contact a professional to repair or replace the thermostat altogether.

stuck thermostat

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3. Thermostat faults at a certain point

PROBLEM: In some cases, the thermostat knob may continue moving or turning as it used to but the setting may get stuck at a certain point or level.

SOLUTION: In this case too the solution is to get the thermostat replaced so that you can control the temperature of water received.


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Now that you know the common geyser thermostat problems, you can easily detect and identify one on your own and even solve it using the methods given above. However for any kind of professional help or repair work related to geysers such as geyser installation etc, you can contact Mr Right.

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