Top 5 good reasons to call an electrician

reasons to call an electrician
Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons

While a lot of us have sufficiently enough knowledge to solve minor electrical issues at home, others may lack it and may not know when to call an electrician.  There are hundreds of electrical circuits and wires in buildings which might go faulty from time to time.  If you are unable to detect the signs that you need an electrician’s service, you can refer to the top 5 good reasons to call an electrician.

1. When you notice trips and blown fuses then you must call an electrician

The first good reason to call an electrician is when you notice frequent trips and blown fuses. If you let this happen and do not seek professional help, then this may lead to drawing of more current than your system is also to provide.  Regular trips indicate some major underlying fault which may need correction and that too by a trained electrician.

2. Flickering of lights every now and then is a good enough reason too

Have you been noticing unexpected flickering of lights?This too is an indication of an electrical problem and can be solved when you call an electrician.  This may happen in the case when too many appliances are being operated at the same time. This thus puts excessive pressure on the motor.

flickering lights need the attention

Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons


3. Extra warm switches and electrical system surfaces

Another scenario in which you may need to seek the help of an electrician is when you notice your switches, power points and other electrical system surfaces to be too warm to touch. In some cases these switches may also give electrical shocks and suggest excess demand on the circuit. Call an electrician and get this resolved to avoid accidents.

4. Power points without three prong grounded plug space

Another situation in which you might need to call an electrician is when you notice that most of your power points do not have space for three prong grounded plugs.  This means that the electricity system in your house or office is not properly grounded. This suggests that you are not entirely safe. An electrician can definitely help you in this case and make your electrical system much more secure.

avoid overloading power points

Image Credits: Flickr


5. Overloaded power points

If you notice that most of the power boards and power points in your home or office are overloaded with too many plugs, then this suggests excessive pressure on the electrical system. To make your premises safer and to reduce load on single points, you must call an electrician. This will help you reduce chances of shocks and short circuits.

Now that you know the top reasons to call an electrician, you must not delay when you notice any of the above given issues and contact a trusted and well qualified electrician immediately.


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    This is best one article so far I have read online. I would like to appreciate you for making it very simple and easy. I would love to share your article in my friend circle. I have also found this resource useful and its related to what you are mentioning.

  7. 7

    I had no idea that you should make sure that all of your plugs have three prongs because if they don’t they might not be grounded. My sister is looking to get some help with her electricity because it was turning off and on randomly. It could be really nice for her to be able to get a professional to take a look at her power grid.

  8. 8

    Thanks for suggesting that its best to have your outlets replaced if they don’t have a third prong ground. My cousin lives in an older house, and all oh his plugs have two-prong grounded plugs. We will immediately contact an electrician to help my cousin replace all of his plugs.

  9. 9

    It’s good to know that flickering lights are an indication of electrical problems that you should call your electrician for. My wife and I have noticed that the lights in our kitchen flicker from time to time. We’ll be looking into our options for electricians to fix whatever electrical problem it is that we have.

  10. 10

    Thanks for pointing out that unexpected flickering lights can be an indication of an electrical problem, and may mean you need to call an electrician. My husband and I have been experiencing this recently and, since we’re pretty sure it’s not ghosts, we probably need to call an electrician. I think that having a reliable source of electricity is something that it’s nice we don’t generally have to think about, and knowing someone who can help you restore that when you do have to think about it is comforting.

  11. 11

    It’s informative when you said that flickering of lights every now and then is an indication of an electrical problem that needs to be repaired by an electrical specialist. I noticed this at my aunt’s house. When I asked about the bulbs that keep on flickering, she said that it’s been happening for a while now. It’s best if I suggest her to hire an electrician soon to resolve the issue, and to avoid future accidents.

  12. 12

    Such a useful tip you have written in this blog, it will be needed by so many. In this blog you have the best ideas for call a professional electrician. So keep sharing such kind of information.

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    Even though you might feel it is a good option to look after the house electrical problems on your own there are certain things that you need to leave for experts. These 5 issues should be left for experts because if not they can cause major outbreaks or even fire.

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