Tubular Plate or Flat Plate Battery-Which One is the Best Inverter Battery in India?

A flat plate battery can be defined as a lead-acid battery that is recommended for areas with low duration but frequent power cuts, whereas a tubular plate battery can be defined as an inverter battery that is ideal for areas that experience long and fewer power cuts. Such types of power cuts are common in tier 2 or tier 3 cities including the city outskirts.

Image Source: Luminous

When you are shopping for a tubular and flat plate battery online or offline, you need to know which one is the best inverter battery in India?

Listed below are some important parameters that will enable you to choose the best battery for your inverter.

Benefits of a flat-plate battery:

  • A flat-plate battery is cheaper than a tubular battery
  • These inverter batteries come with a faster rate of charging
  • They are suggested for areas with minimal and frequent power cuts

Benefits of a tubular-plate battery:

  • A tubular-plate battery comes with a longer operational life
  • It is extremely reliable
  • You can effortlessly use a tubular plate battery for heavy-duty applications
  • It can efficiently function under different conditions
  • It requires low maintenance, and there is no need for you to top-up the battery with distilled water frequently
  • Comes with a long standby life
Our Pick

Let’s dig in a little deeper and understand the features of a tubular and a flat-plate battery.

Features of a flat-plate battery:

  • A flat-plate battery is designed using thick plates, which offers your battery a long service life
  • It is designed for faster recharge
  • Sealed plastic housing lends a sleek appearance to the battery
  • The unique flat design of the plate, proprietary alloy composition, carefully chosen ingredients, and components aids in faster charge recovery
  • The compact size makes it the best battery for a small inverter in India

Features of a tubular-plate battery:

  • The battery plates are designed using thicker positive plates that offer 20% more electrolyte to withstand power outage
  • These batteries need minimum floor occupancy
  • They require minimum maintenance
  • Its super long life combined with power-packed performance makes it the best battery for your inverter

Here are some fundamental differences between a flat-plate and tubular-plate inverter battery:

  1. The cyclic life of tubular-plate batteries is high. On the other hand, flat-plate alternatives have a short life.
  2. Tubular batteries are an ideal choice for sensitive as well as high-end applications, but flat-plate batteries cannot support heavy electrical appliances
  3. A tubular plate inverter battery is exceptionally reliable and is therefore recommended for highly efficient applications. In contrast, flat-plate inverter batteries are the best choice for budget-conscious people who live in small homes.

 Reputed brands like Luminous offer an extensive range of tubular and flat-plate batteries. You can shop for the best one according to your needs and budget.

Our Pick

A tubular plate battery is robust and is a suitable choice for deep cycle applications. Tubular batteries have 20% more electrical capacity due to the increased positive plate surface area.

Stable performance and a better and long power backup facility make a tubular plate battery the best inverter battery in India.

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