4 popular water purification methods

Pure and clean water is one of the most important ingredient for a healthy living. Clean water is required in every family every day for drinking, cooking food and other purposes.  There are so many water borne diseases such as cholera, diarrhea etc. that erupt especially during summer and rainy season. According to a report of WHO (World Health Organization) every year more than 3.4 million people die because of water borne diseases. Hence keeping the drinking water clean and germ free is very important for a healthy life which can be done by following a number of water purification methods.

In India, various methods are employed to purify water and make it suitable for drinking and cooking purpose. Here are few of those water purification methods:

Boiling water

Boiling water for drinking

Boiling water on stove is the most popular and traditional method of domestic water treatment. But excessive boiling of water removes essential nutrients. It may sometime does not remove the impure particles. Even the taste of boiled water is not very good. Economically, this process consumes a lot of gas. Hence it is expensive also!! (Image source: www.istockphoto.com)

Filtered water

Water filters in india

Filtered water is considered as clean water. Filter usually remove dirt and impurities but may not necessarily remove the harmful bacteria and virus. These harmful germs can cause stomach disorders. In our country where majority of water sources are polluted with sewage effluents, filters water may not be a very sound decision. Moreover the filters get damaged frequently and loose the cleaning ability with time and need to be replaced. (Image source: dir.indiamart.com)

Garrafone water

Water purification methods in India

Bottled or garrafone water also called as bottled water or container water in India, is a very popular source of drinking water in our country. But the purity of it water is doubtful as we do not know has it been tampered or mishandled before reaching our homes. Also purchasing Garrafone every day is quite expensive and uneconomical. (Image source: www.lahuertinadetoni.es)

RO water

RO water purifier

RO system removes contaminants such as arsenic, nitrates, copper and lead, some organic chemicals, and the municipal additive fluoride. It also removes impurities and germs from water and make it suitable for drinking.

The downside of RO system is that it is expensive to install at first and require regular maintenance like RO service and filter change etc. But the benefits and necessity of clean drinking water for a healthy body, overcomes these downsides.

There are some debates on the goodness of RO water. Some researchers say that RO treated water removes essential minerals like calcium and magnesium from water. So the manufacturers of RO are constantly working towards overcoming this downside of RO treated water. Few companies have come up with such RO systems that not only removes harmful chemical but also maintains the balance of necessary minerals in water.

Among  the various water purification methods, RO water is still the safest and cleanest water for drinking and cooking purpose. And so to maintain the goodness of the water that you drink every day, do not forget to take care of your RO system. Get the RO service done on a regular basis.

If you are looking for the RO service professionals in Delhi/NCR, contact Mr. Right.

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    So I basically want to talk about water purifies in terms of water saving, energy saving and best products because I have a lot of experience with water purifiers in the past year as since we are discussing water and water saving , so the water which is our most important part should also be clean and clear So the questions are Are these worth it? Are all purifiers actually same? Do they really work or is their any difference bw technology? The thing about all water purifiers is that they are based on same technology but if we talk about something different upon my experience as i am middle east citizen who lives in UAE. I would suggest “Eureka Forbes UAE” in terms of their water purifiers which use RO and UV water purifying technology they are really great in terms of energy saving and taste, along with this they also offer other unique water solutions and products from domestic to industrial level, but I personally recommend Eureka Forbes Dubai for their customer service which is really fast, responsive. If you are here looking for a best water purifier or water processing technologies i.e. UV Sterilizers, Water Softeners, Fine Sediment, Water Filter etc they are using MURAL CRM for customer management and service scheduling, https://eurekaforbes.ae #waterfilter #waterfilters #aquaguard #eurekaforbes #bestwaterpurifiersindubai #DubaiWaterFilters #EurekaForbesDubai #DubaiROFilters #

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  7. 7

    Soft water is best for pipes, hygiene and appliances. I’ve read about hard water make your skin dry and washing clothes with hard water leaves small particles that can affect your skin also. Hard water is not good for glassware, faucets and shower heads because most of the time it leaves deposits and may cause damage. This is why water softeners are the solution to this problems. You can check this article, they have information about water softeners.

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