Washing Machine categories: Which one would you choose?

Are you planning to buy a new washing machine? Today there are many washing machine categories availabe in Indian Market : Semi-automatic, fully-automatic, top loading and front loading. So which one to buy? It is a tough call to make. Mr.


4 Energy saving habits that will reduce your utility bills

Saving energy reduces our utility bills as well as saves our environment from damage. The simplest  way by which we can save money as well as our nature is developing some energy saving habits. These habits may appear small but show


4 guidelines to follow when buying home appliances

The major appliances in your home – Refrigerator, Air Conditioner and washing machine consume most energy and account for big value in the utility bills. Moreover if these appliances are really old then they consume even more energy. The more energy an


10 Microwave safety measures that you must follow!

Microwave has become a must have kitchen appliance today. It is being used very often for cooking, baking and heating purpose. It has made cooking a joyful experience. But it is very important to follow some microwave safety measures while using and


3 steps to keep your water healthy and water borne diseases at bay!

The large number of water borne disease reported in our city every day indicates that water supplied in our homes is unfit for drinking and consumption. In year 2013, West Bengal recorded the highest number of water borne diseases cases at 18.30


10 Basic steps of Water Tank Cleaning

Most of us focus primarily on the purification of the water that we drink or use for cooking purpose. But we rarely pay attention on cleaning of the water tank where water is stored. Every day we use the tank