7 smart tips to dust proof your home

Dusting is an essential and most common task in home cleaning. In India where there is so much dust and smoke in the outside environment, daily dusting becomes very important. It is true that you cannot dust proof your home entirely. But you


Tips for cleaning glass shower door

Cleaning bathroom is the toughest household chore. Removing the hard water spots and soap scum from the shower glass door is quite a task. Since this area is used everyday, keeping it clean and spotless is not an easy job. But


Handy tricks to clean home appliances

Every home appliance in your home is a significant investment. You paid thousand of rupees to purchase them. With some easy tricks to clean home appliances, you can be very sure that they run efficiently and safely in your home for


11 handy tips to keep your home clean and organized everyday

Who doesn’t like to see a clean and organized home everyday. But you often fail to achieve it. When you enter in your home at the end of a long day, and find unwashed dishes, kids toys in living room, pile of clothes on


How to keep hardwood floor shiny and spotless?

Hardwood floor add warmth and elegance to your home. But it requires regular cleaning and maintenance to keep hardwood floor shiny. So if you put in some efforts and follow some preventive measures, the beauty of hardwood floor can last a


10 Basic steps of Water Tank Cleaning

Most of us focus primarily on the purification of the water that we drink or use for cooking purpose. But we rarely pay attention on cleaning of the water tank where water is stored. Every day we use the tank