Dengue preventive measures as advised by experts

Dengue is a disease or infection which is caused by the biting of an infected mosquito and is very common in our country. It is true that there are many ways to treat the symptoms of this disease but in


How long do the effects of chikungunya last and remedies to treat them

Chikungunya is a disease which is caused due to the biting of an infected mosquito. This disease affects people all across the world but it is mostly prevalent in tropical areas including Asia and Middle East. There is no definite


How long does it take to recover from dengue fever and tips to recover fast?

Dengue fever is an infectious disease which is caused by the bite of an infected mosquito. This disease is more common in tropical climates and places like Asia and Middle East etc.  Some of the common symptoms of dengue include


Precautions for dengue during rainy season

Dengue is one of the most common diseases spread during the rainy season. It is true that it is a preventable disease but can have serious effects on the patient and one of them is death. As they say ‘prevention


List of diseases caused in rainy season

The rainy season is here again and besides the lovely weather and the freshly washed surroundings, we have to face the reality of the negatives things that come along.  One of them is the various diseases caused in rainy season.


Home remedies to keep mosquitoes from biting

The rainy season is here and it brings along with it a number of woes and troubles and one of them is insects and mosquitoes. Mosquitoes not only spread germs but also diseases. They feed on blood and cause a