6 Common problems with automatic washing machines

Automatic washing machines offer great convenience to us, but at the same time can frequently develop problems if a good service record is not maintained. Let’s have a look at the most common problems that could arise in fully automatic


5 Common problems with RO water purifier

80 percent of world’s diseases are water-borne. No doubt why it’s essential to drink safe and pure drinking water in today’s pollution afflicted world. Here, are some of the common problems with RO water purifiers: 1. RO water purifier not


6 Common problems with a window AC

To start off, we find it imperative to mention that if you maintain a good AC servicing schedule you’d be spending lesser on electricity and keeping your room cool without any problems. Make sure you get your window AC serviced


7 Common problems with semi automatic washing machines

Semi automatic washing machines are being replaced quickly by more convenient fully-automatic washing machines, but still, hold the larger part of the market. So, here are some of the most common problems faced by customers worldwide. 1. Spinning performance is


7 Common problems with washing machine

Washing machines come in widely varying designs, but there are some frequently and not frequently occurring problems that are common amongst all of them. Below are some such problems that we’ve tried to address, let’s have a look at each problem


7 Common problems with split AC

Here, are some of the common problems faced by people using split AC. 1.Refrigerant leakage in split AC Leakages are one of the most common split AC problems. The refrigerant (AC gas, as commonly known) is main contributor to the