How is AC gas filling done? The complete guide

Remember, Air conditioner refrigerant is toxic and can cause frostbite, so, please take the below-mentioned precautions before you begin with AC gas filling. Safety measures: Use gloves Wear protective eyeglasses Our recommendations:- Gloves VINAYAKAMART Nylon Shell Crinkle Finish Latex Coating


What is an Inverter Air Conditioner?

Inverter air conditioners are a recent development in the AC market. In this article, you will learn about what an inverter AC is, how it works and the benefits with inverter air conditioners. What are inverter air conditioners and how do they


Top Samsung split air conditioner prices & specs

Here, are the top split air conditioners by Samsung currently available in India. We’ve compiled a list of air conditioners under 1 ton, 1.5 ton and 2 tons with 3 and 5 stars Energy rating. We’ve picked up the Top


Quick solutions for a leaking air conditioner

Is your air conditioner leaking water? Well worry not since this is a common problem with ACs.  Infact you will be surprised to know that almost 80-90% of the air conditioner service calls are related to leaks. However it is


Top 4 common myths about air conditioners

An air conditioner is undoubtedly the most important appliance for every household or office space during the hot summer months and it is difficult to imagine life without it. Even inspite of their heavy use, most of us still hold


6 most common AC installation mistakes to be informed about

If you are someone who has just bought a new air conditioner for your home or office and waiting to get it installed, only being aware of these errors you will be able to prevent them. It is important to