Home security mistakes that you need to avoid

home security mistakes to avoid
Image Credits: Pixabay

Do you think that your house is safe enough? Do you think that when you leave your house, then locking the room doors and main doors is sufficient? Well you are mistaken. It is true that locking doors and windows is important and even setting up alarms is a good move but there are many other things that you need to do when it comes to home security in your presence and absence. The following are the top home security mistakes that you need to avoid making:

1.Garage windows

You may lock all the home windows but we often overlook the ones that are present in the garage.  Garage windows if not locked can be an easy entry point for thieves and burglars. Not locking them can be a home security mistake that you need to avoid making right now.  Not only do you need to lock them but also cover them with thick curtains or installing window films so that no one can view what is inside.

2.Air conditioners

Do you know that air conditioners’ space can be a big risk to your home’s security? If they are not installed properly they can be a space from where thieves can enter your house. This is why you need to install them using professional help. Infact one can even steal your air conditioner if the attachment is not secure and is loose.  You can install a window security bar which helps to keep the window in its place.

air conditioner security

Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons


3. Leaving mailbox unchecked

Another one of the home security mistakes that you need to avoid making is to leave your mailbox unchecked. Make sure you empty it regularly since it can be a place from where someone can steal valuable information like your bank details, identity details and others.  You can even protect your mailbox by installing it with a lock which only you can open and close.

4. Not putting outdoor furniture indoors when not in use

If you think that your outdoor furniture and other belongings will remain safe at night time or when you are not at home, then you are mistaken. They can easily be stolen if left unchecked and this is why you need to shift them indoors during night and when you are not at home.  If you do not want to put them inside everyday, then it is better to make sure your yard door and other entry points are properly locked and secured.

5. Storage sheds

A storage shed is usually filled with items of importance and value. This is why you need to make sure that it is not left unlocked.  Sheds are located outside the house and hence we tend to overlook them when securing other parts of the house.  However they need even more protection than other areas and hence you must choose extra strong locks for them.

storage shed security

Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons

Avoid making these top home security mistakes and make your house securer than ever.

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  1. 1

    Avoiding common home security mistakes is paramount for ensuring the safety of your household. Simple steps like not leaving spare family protection dogs for sale keys outside or neglecting to secure windows can compromise your defenses. By addressing these vulnerabilities and implementing robust security measures, you can better protect your home and loved ones from potential threats.

  2. 2

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