4 energy-saving tips for office

Energy saving in Office We spend a minimum of 40 hours per week in our office. This means we spent a minimum of 25% of the total week time in office. So aren’t offices the best place to apply some energy saving tricks?

Saving energy isn’t all about saving money, it also implies saving our earth.

  1. Go paperless
    • Before hitting on the print button on the screen, stop and think, do I really need a hard copy of this document? Can I instead save it on my computer?
    • Save the employee brochures and manuals on a common server or drive instead of distributing it to everyone. This will saves tons of paper and the employees will have access to the latest versions of the necessary documents.
    • It is not possible to go paperless completely. Use recycle bins to dispose waste printouts, junk emails, envelops etc.
    • Take printout on both sides of paper
  1. Save Electricity
  • Turn off the lights and fans and other running appliance when you are out of office or going home.
  • Use motion detector lights in office space and cafeteria.
  • Replace your incandescent bulbs by energy saving CFLs. They save 10-50% of the electricity and last longer than the conventional bulbs
  • Promote LED lamps. They cut down power consumption by 50%.
  • During the day time, take advantage of natural sunlight, instead of indoor lighting.
  1. Use your computer effectively
  • Turn off your computers and laptops when you are out for tea/ coffee breaks or lunch.
  • If you are going out of office for a longer period, shut down you systems.
  1. Encourage the use of reusable utensils like cups, mugs plates etc. in office. This will reduce the waste and garbage.

For more tips and tricks visit our blog at http://www.mrright.in/ideas

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