Microwave door not opening? Here’s the solution

Microwaves are useful kitchen appliances which have made a lot of our day to day tasks much easier. Not only do they enable us to heat foods and liquids but also cook several dishes. Without them, imagining a kitchen can


Microwave is not heating: causes and solutions

Microwave is one of the most commonly used electronic appliances these days. Most people, no matter what the location own a microwave for cooking and heating purposes. Microwaves are easy to use, take less space and fulfil several purposes. However


Microwave display not working: Reasons and solutions

A microwave is one of the most used appliances in the kitchen and is used several times a day. It is used to heat food and also cook it throughout the day. This is why it is important to keep


Quick solutions for a leaking air conditioner

Is your air conditioner leaking water? Well worry not since this is a common problem with ACs.  Infact you will be surprised to know that almost 80-90% of the air conditioner service calls are related to leaks. However it is


Common dishwasher problems and their solutions

A dishwasher is one of the most useful electronic appliances for the kitchen. It is meant to wash our dishes and thus reduces the workload by quite an amount. However if not used properly or due to excess usage, it


Steps to repair common iron problems

Iron is a small home appliance but one of the most useful ones.  It is used to straighten our clothes and make them fit for wearing every day. If you buy a good quality iron then the need for repairs