Common home theatre installation mistakes to avoid

If you are someone who has recently bought a home theatre but are unsure of its installation, then you must know that there are many common mistakes people tend to make during the process. To get the most of the


How to install and setup an automatic washing machine

Installing an automatic washing machine correctly will ensure longer life as well as won’t pest you with frequent maintenance requirements. So, let’s get to the details one by one. Choosing the spot right spot for an automatic washing machine Since, the


How to: Installing home theater for perfect acoustics 

If you’ve invested in a home theater then make sure you invest time into correctly installing home theater to transform the audio experience completely. It is actually quite simple, let’s go over each detail one by one. A 5.1 home


How to install or wall mounting a LED TV like a Pro

Wall Mounting a TV is actually a simple job, for which we pay quite a premium in most cases. Having the right tools and knowledge, you can mount your new TV in no time like a pro! Preparation before wall


How to install RO water purifier in just 10 minutes

Installing RO water purifier yourself will save you up to 70% of the cost of the RO purifier, additionally, you’ll get to know how the system works. Preparing for RO installation Remove all the components from the box and determine an


8 Easy steps for installing a split AC

Installing a split AC can be a tricky job if close attention is not paid. A poorly installed split AC will not only have low efficiency and consume more energy but also will require more frequent maintenance cycles. 1. Selecting