How Indians Can Protect Themselves From Coronavirus (COVID 19)

Coronavirus, also known as the Covid-19, is the burning issue right now and it is causing havoc on people around the world – physically, economically as well as mentally.

So, there have been few other viruses that have emerged in the past like the Covid 19, such as SARS and MERS. The Covid 19 is also a class of viruses that belongs to this category. This new strain of Covid 19 majorly causes respiratory diseases and fever like symptoms and it is known to infect mostly humans.


The most common symptoms of the Covid 19 include cough, fever, high temperature, abnormal functioning of the respiratory system which may lead to difficulty in breathing and develop other diseases like pneumonia. The Covid 19 itself doesn’t cause pneumonia but because it weakens the lung cells, it enables other pathogens such as bacteria to proliferate and cause further damage. The Covid 19 can also cause cases of kidney failure and in some cases death.

Preventive Measures

Different environmental conditions may require different safety tips but keeping in mind the environment in India, the following are some safety tips that we should keep in mind to protect ourselves against the virus:

Wearing a Mask

is advisable to everyone whenever they’re going out especially if they are traveling in public or may have a chance to come in contact with someone infected or suspected of being infected. It is a good rule of come to wear a mask in the vicinity of other people.

Cover your nose and mouth

with a clean handkerchief while sneezing to stop the droplets of infection from getting transmitted from one person to another. Covid 19 spreads through these tiny droplets from an infected person to another. So, the best way to avoid any such infection is to stay away from people and practice social distancing.

Avoid shaking hands

with people when greeting them. You can use the gesture of ‘namaste’. In all cases, try to avoid physical contact with others. Skin to skin contact is one of the major reasons of spreading of the virus.

Wash your hands frequently

The virus can only activate once it enters the human body. The virus itself is nothing and can do nothing. It can only multiply and work within a living tissue. So the best way to avoid the virus to enter our body is to not allow the virus to come in contact with our nose and mouth. Washing hands regularly takes care of that.

Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer

is a good way to kill the pathogens and viruses that may have made its way to our hands. But do not practice using only hand sanitizers as a sure way to disinfect your hands. Use hand sanitizers when you don’t have the option of washing your hands. Hand sanitizers along with washing hands is the best way to ensure that your hands are always clean and free of germs.

Practice social distancing

Most of the times the infected person doesn’t even come to know that he/she has been infected. The infected person can remain asymptomatic for weeks. And within that time that person can infect many other. Practicing social distancing inhibits the spread of coronavirus drastically. Th real reason why you need to practice social distancing is that many a times, a person himself/ herself doesn’t know that they are infected and are a potential carriers of the virus.

Many governments and countries around the world are shutting down entire countries, cities, forcing people to go into quarantine to stop the spread of this virus. Yes, it may not be a very welcomed gesture but it’s the need of the hour. It is causing a lot of damage and loss economically but if these strict measures are not taken then the result will be worse.

Photo by Victor Lavaud 

As of now there has been no approved vaccine for this virus. Those who are being treated in the hospitals and at homes are being treated for the specific symptoms that they show. Gradually, the body copes up and the immune system is able to kill the virus and restore your body. Almost all of the fatalities that have occurred because of the Covid 19 belong to aged groups and people who have underlying health issues. So the stronger the immune system is the faster and better your chances of recovering.

We hope that you can take these measures to avoid getting infected and end this coronavirus pandemic.

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    If you’re in India, you’re below lockdown then this must already be happening. If you are doing want to exit (to buy essentials, for example), make sure you reside a minimum of 1 meter far away from different people. In fact, many are advising a distance of just about 2 meters move don’t neglect.

  5. 5

    If you’re in India, you’re below lockdown and so this must already be happening. If you do want to step out (to shop for essentials, for example), make certain you live at least 1 meter far far from different people. In fact, many are advising a distance of almost 2 meters (6 feet) move don’t neglect.

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    Myths: Can Mosquitoes carry the coronavirus?
    Right now the coronavirus (COVID-19) is on everyone’s mind, with many countries following a lockdown procedure to reduce the spread of the virus. The mosquitoes spread by sucking the blood cause over half a million deaths each year and hundreds of millions of cases of severe illness.

    Fact Check
    The coronavirus CANNOT be transmitted by mosquito bites.
    To date there has been no information nor any evidence to suggest that the coronavirus could be transmitted by mosquito bites. The coronavirus is a respiratory virus which spreads primarily through droplets generated when an infected person coughs and sneezes, or through droplets of saliva or any discharge from the infected person nose. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand sanitiser or wash them with soap & water. Also, avoid close contact with anyone who is coughing and sneezing around.

    There is much more to learn about the coronavirus but based on current understandings, it’s highly unlikely a mosquito will pick up the virus by biting an infected person and again pass to human by biting.

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  7. 7

    -Regularly wash your hands with soap and water, or with a hand rub (sanitizer) with at least 60% alcohol. Soap, in particular, is super-effective, as it dissolves the fat membrane of the coronavirus, causing it to fall apart like a house of cards.

    -STOP TOUCHING YOUR FACE. Yes, it’s REALLY hard — we know — but this prevents you from transferring the virus to your eyes, mouth or nose if your hands have been contaminated by contact with a surface or a patient.

    -When you cough or sneeze, cover your face with a bent elbow or tissue — which you should then dispose of quickly and safely.

    -Practice social distancing. If you are in India, you are under lockdown — and so this should already be happening. If you do need to step out (to buy essentials, for example), make sure you stay at least 1 metre away from other people. In fact, many are advising a distance of nearly 2 metres (6 feet).

    -If you are a senior citizen — or suffer from pre-existing medical conditions like heart disease or diabetes — social distancing and other precautions are especially crucial. These groups are at greater risk for serious illness.

    -Not everyone needs to wear a mask. Wear one only if you have a fever, a cough or breathing difficulties, are taking care of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient, or are a health professional working with patients with respiratory symptoms. Fit your mask tightly around your nose, mouth, and chin. Don’t touch it during use — especially the outer surface (which could be contaminated) — and wash your hands with soap/alcohol-based rub after taking it off. Don’t reuse disposable masks. Change yours after six hours, or if it becomes wet.
    -Avoid handshakes and hugs while greeting people

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