When to replace your Air Conditioner?

Air conditioners have become a necessity for summer nowadays. But, just like any other appliance, air conditioners also have a fixed lifespan. Though you can increase the efficiency and lifespan of a system by following some tricks,  after continuous use


Which AC filter is better- Pleated or Non-Pleated?

Air filters are an important component of an air conditioner and are responsible for cleaning the air inside your home. The better the quality of the filter, the cleaner the air inside your home will be. There are many types


What are the reasons for your AC freezing up?

Your air conditioner gives cool air by working under certain temperatures, airflow, and pressure. If any of these criteria go wrong or start acting out of balance, the refrigerant system of your AC can become too cold and start freezing


Problems with running your AC without filter

The air filters are a vital part of the air conditioner and though your air conditioner can run without them, it is not a wise thing to do. The filters are responsible for blocking the dirt and debris from entering


How is Inverter AC better than Non-Inverter AC?

Do you know the amount of energy your air conditioner consumes? Do you know there are options in air conditioners that will help you in saving money? If no, then be with us as we are going to tell you


Factors to consider before buying an Air Conditioner

Do you ponder over all the important factors before buying something? Do you consider the pros and cons of the item you are buying? If the answer is no, then you should start considering all the important factors regarding an