7 most common problems with CRT TV and their possible diagnosis

CRT (cathode-ray tube) television sets have gone down in popularity with the introduction of large screen, slim and flat LEDs and LCDs. However, there are many consumers who still have their CRT sets and are satisfied with them. But many problems often


Is your vacuum cleaner not picking up dirt and debris effectively?

A vacuum cleaner puts suction to work when cleaning up the dust and debris in your home. But many times you may face an issue of your vacuum cleaner not picking up dirt and debris as effectively as it is supposed


Why is the water produced by my RO purifier tasting bad?

Water is an amazing solvent. It has a tendency to dissolve substances that come in contact with it like chemicals, salts, metal, microbes, impurities and so on. Water that is supplied to your home is purified at the source but


Is your RO not producing enough water?

The water we drink everyday has minerals, salts, microbes and metals dissolved in it. These dissolved impurities effect the taste, odor and quality of water. The RO water purifiers remove the dissolved salts, minerals and microbes and make water suitable for consumption.


Freezer is cold but food section is warm!

A refrigerator is the most hard working home appliance. It works hard to keep your food and beverage fresh. There are days when your industrious refrigerator goes out of order and faces problems. One such common problem with your refrigerator


No oven mitts! Is your microwave not heating food?

Microwave ovens are so quick and efficient that they channel the heat energy directly to food molecules. Microwave not heating food is a common problem. There are many  reasons behind this issue. In order to know your microwave better, it is