How to fix the noise of your Vacuum Cleaner?

Are you annoyed by the strong noise your Vacuum cleaner is producing? It is not common for a vacuum cleaner to produce unbearable sound. There must be something wrong with your favorite house help machine which you are ignoring. Here


How to choose the best air filter for your HVAC?

Are you confused about the air filter that you should buy for your home’s HVAC system? Are you looking for ways to choose the best air filter for your HVAC? Well, you have come to the right place for answers


MERV ratings- All you need to know

MERV or Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value is a system that evaluates the efficiency of an air filter based on its effectiveness in capturing dust and other contaminants of various sizes. MERV ratings help in analyzing and choosing the best air


How to Fix a Vacuum Cleaner if it has lost suction

If your favorite house help that is your domestic vacuum cleaner seems to lose its power and is leaving stuff behind and you are worried about the large amount of money you have to spend on it. Well, it’s better


5 types of HVAC air filters

The air filters of your HVAC system have a very important role to play. Based on the HVAC system you use, the types of HVAC air filters also vary. But, irrespective of the type of air filter, the functioning of


Tubular Plate or Flat Plate Battery-Which One is the Best Inverter Battery in India?

A flat plate battery can be defined as a lead-acid battery that is recommended for areas with low duration but frequent power cuts, whereas a tubular plate battery can be defined as an inverter battery that is ideal for areas