Laptop 100% charged but still plugged in? You are just killing it!

Do you sometimes wonder why your laptop battery, which when new, was working wonders for you, but after some time it starts degrading? You charge it full, but it discharges quickly now? Well, when you leave your laptop 100% charged


3 possible reasons behind a noisy laptop

Is your laptop making too much noise lately? There could be many possible reasons behind a noisy laptop, but the root causes can be broadly described as—overheating, faulty motor of cooling fan and hard disc problem. Overheating problem Talking about laptop


Quick tips for Fridge Cleaning

You love a spotless house—but you don’t want to spend the bulk of your time actually cleaning. Well, fret no more. We have made a list of some quick tips for fridge cleaning for you. Talking about your refrigerator for