5 surprising and awesome health benefits of honey

Honey has been in use for various health benefits for ages now. Ayurvedic treatments are a great example. Now scientists have also started validating the age old remedies. Following are some awesome health benefits of honey that can affect us


9 simple tips for preventing common cold!

Common cold! Unfortunately, is one of the most common things you can find across the globe. Around 200 types of bacteria can cause common cold and 40% of the common colds are caused by bacteria called Rhinoviruses. Rhinovirus infections are


How to choose the right pollution mask/respirator

With the pollution level increasing and the government declaring the situation as an emergency in Delhi, it is imperative to start using a pollution mask especially when you are outdoors. It is all the more important to know which is


Importance of mold testing for a healthier home

There is a general consensus in the scientific community associated with the respiratory system, that prolonged exposure to mold and dampness substantially increases health risks. Mold needs water, oxygen, favourable temperature and certain nutrients to grow. Moisture is the main


Methods to prevent dengue fever transmission

The best ways to control and prevent dengue fever transmission are: Source reduction meaning eliminating mosquito egg laying sites Environmental control meaning reducing human-mosquito contact Controlling by chemical treatment Source reduction strategy to control dengue fever Eliminating the eggs laying sites


Symptoms and signs of DENGUE fever

Dengue (pronounced DENgee) fever is a painful mosquito-borne disease caused by the bite of female mosquito Aedes aegypti. It is also known as breakbone fever because this unusually causes severe muscle and joint pains. The female Aedes aegypti becomes infected