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Vegetable garden layout ideas

vegetable garden layout ideas

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Setting up of a vegetable garden is not an uphill task if you have the proper layout. First get a proper sketch of your vegetable garden layout by exploring different options online and combining your own imagination. Obtain good quality seeds, equipment and supplies to give your garden a reality. Get the soil prepared to plant the vegetables and this is a crucial step. This is because the quality of your soil will determine the growth of the vegetables. Plant your vegetables properly in your garden and eliminate the existence of weeds. Get pest control formulas and implement them in your vegetable garden. You can also check Trim That Weed for an extensive guide on how to plant a vegetable and avoid buying them from the market. Let us see how the whole process will work.

Right planning

First, decide a site for your vegetable garden as this is not something you can shift later. Then comes the arrangement of the crops. Set the location of each of the vegetables and then how much spacing should be there between the rows and the dates for each planting.

Determining the size of your garden layout

Depending on the space available in your backyard or front yard will tell how big your garden layout will be. It is also determined by the number of vegetables you would like to have in your garden. Also, other factors like the amount of time you can spend on your garden. Your garden should be of that size where your whole family can sit and enjoy. Do not make it that big which will grow out of your control and will be a burden for you.

We have some recommended supplies you should consider:-

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Finalizing vegetables

The garden layout ideas include finalizing those vegetables which all your family members can enjoy and eat. So as per their choice, you should plant your vegetables. You know the taste of your family, so it will not be a tough task. Select those vegetables which do not take much space yet grow considerably in small spaces. Some crops utilize space better than others. Your garden layout should include a range of vegetables including snap beans, leaf, spinach, beets, broccoli, lettuce, onions, swiss chard, peas, tomatoes, cabbage, turnips, carrots etc. and avoid buying them from the market.

Here are some Seeds you can consider growing in your Garden:-

Benefits of having your own garden

One benefit of having your own vegetable garden is that you can be free from consuming pesticides which are used in large amounts in vegetables you get in the market. Your vegetables will taste better than the market as they will be collected fresh from the garden and will go directly to your kitchen.

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One fine example of such vegetable is sweet corn, which takes space to grow but it is preferred because of its freshness in quality when growing it in your own garden. Peas and asparagus are another two items which can be chosen to grow in your vegetable garden because of better taste.

Schedule the growing time of your vegetables

Your garden layout includes the growing time of vegetables. plants are entirely dependent on the season. Divide the vegetables based on their seasons and the nature of growth. Select perennial vegetables such as asparagus, rhubarb, and berries and they should be planted aside in your vegetable garden. Pick some plants which are quickly matured by nature so that you can use the space to plant other vegetables. Ensure some gaps between the tall crops and shorter crops to prevent shading.

Allow space between the plants in your garden layout

Proper space between the plants is necessary because it will give easy access to the plants and allow them to grow faster. With proper equipment and adequate amount of space, you can achieve this. You must make your rows long and wide letting the use of your tractor and cultivator to get rid of weeds. It will reduce your hard work of removing weeds manually.The plants grow bigger and demand best nutrients, so they should be given proper space individually in the vegetable garden. 

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Avoid overcrowding of vegetables

Overcrowding is a bad idea when you are preparing your own garden layout, which many of the planters do. This leads to poor harvesting. If you want fresh fruits and vegetables in a consistent manner, then you should not plant too many crops at a time. Plant some crops you like at small amounts keeping a gap of 10 days. Then onions should be planted in a gap of 14 days apart. 2 sets of plants are recommended when it comes to vegetables like carrots, beets, and cabbage, one set should be for summer use and another set will be for winter use. Your garden layout should include crops like sweet corn and snap beans, which can be planted throughout the year. You can reuse the space to plant your crops in successive session.

Maximizing production

To maximize production in a small vegetable garden, you should plant early maturing crops with long-season crops. You can interplanting such crops including Peas, radishes, green onions, spinach, or lettuce may be planted in rows where tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, or corn in the same row.

Rotation of crops

Rotation of crops is necessary to avoid diseases in the soil. Never grow the same vegetables in the same location more than once in a duration of 3 years. Rotate them from one side to the other side of your garden for better production. While doing your garden layout, you should remember that depending on the local climate you should schedule the planting of the crops. Certain crops like tomatoes and peppers should be planted undercover in the starting for several weeks. On the other hand, certain other crops like beans and squash should not be planted till the outside temperature is considerably warm.

It is important to grow flowering plants along with big blocks of single crops because in such instances those will not be easily attacked by pests like aphids. Sit down and consider all aspects before you make a final garden layout.

Decorating your garden

You can add subsequently sheds, fences and compost bins etc, on your garden which you can get contacting any garden planner online. For decoration purposes, you can add raised beds and glasshouses in your space. You can order plants online and other items necessary for your vegetable garden.   

We have some suggestions you may like for your Garden Decorations:-

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Irrigation is an essential part of your vegetable garden and you should plan it ahead. Planning your garden in advance will help you to get the best crops and they will have the best chances of survival, a year-round development of your crops. Along with good planning and hard work, follow mother nature’s rules which will guide you in many respects and will help your garden to flourish. You should also get a proper measurement of your garden whether you want to grow it in your backyard, front yard.

These vegetable garden layout ideas will help you to get a garden on your own and will make you less dependent on the market when it comes to the buying of vegetables.

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