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The Neurosphere: the history of neural networks development

A story about the development of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is becoming more advanced and popular, and its training algorithms are improving every day, creating a competitive environment for the human mind. Machines and humans are approaching the same level of development, but humans are still ahead of robots. Today, it is becoming quite difficult to distinguish between the communication style of a person and a bot. Let us understand what neural networks really mean.

Neural networks: how the system works

The name “neural network” was created for a reason since the main idea of ​​the system was borrowed from the human brain. The neural connections existing in it are the interweaving of billions of cells, mechanisms that work in harmony with each other. Neurons exchange signals in response to external stimuli and transmit them to the main “center”.

This mechanism is directly related to neural networks, since they consist of the same microneurons, only transferred to virtuality. They have several so-called inputs through which information flows, as well as an output, only one. The functioning scheme is similar to a neuron in the human brain, which can intensify and reduce signals.

Neural networks are a connection of many virtual microparticles connected to each other. They transfer data from one to another along a chain. When the last neuron completes its work, then its result is called the network response.

Developments in the field of neural programming have been gaining popularity over the past few years. For example, the well-known companies Google and Microsoft were among the first to start launching unique projects. Following them, other developers presented their achievements to the world, surprising everybody with the novelty of ideas in their startups. From this period, the creation of many companies specializing in neural networks began.

In 2015, The Neurosphere was established. It was founded by professionals in artificial intelligence training. The best scientists worked on the creation of a project for the commercial use of neural networks.

Modern researchers have accumulated many unsolved issues related to natural language processing, as well as other issues that are much more difficult for humans to solve than for computers. This is how the history of the Theneurosphere began: scientists who studied the operation algorithms of neural networks teamed up and began to work together on one large project.

Machine training can do the following tasks:

Such programs will greatly facilitate the work of the business and simplify the quality control process of the work performed.

Previously, deep artificial intelligence training caused many problems; the process was unclear and complex. In recent years, on the contrary, significant progress has been noticeable in this area. Development is taking place in such a rush that it seems as if mankind will soon reach its limit. The neurosphere expert, the famous scientist and professor Tung Liu, claims the opposite: it is impossible to predict anything for sure, but “in Theneurosphere, the limit is not yet felt”. However, one cannot but pay attention to the fact that the rate of discoveries has dropped slightly and new developments now appear not as often as at the beginning of the neural networks research field formation.

Types of artificial intelligence

There are three main types of artificial intelligence.

  1. Weak intelligence: This is a field-specific development that can perform only one action. For example, beating a person in a checkers game. It can only do the work for which it was originally programmed.
  2. General AI. Such machines can perform various intellectual tasks on a level with humans. Today, such models are under development, since it is almost impossible to completely replace the work of the human brain. The intellect must be able to generate thoughts, be able to perceive the surrounding world correctly, store memories.
  3. Superintelligence. It will surpass the mind of an ordinary person in all areas of life, from social to scientific. Also, bots will theoretically be able to have emotions, feel pain. So far, these are just plans, since mankind has not yet reached the necessary level in science for such developments.

Virtual systems help a person to find and effectively solve various problems, organize data, minimize the human factor and its influence in critical situations. Theneurosphere LLC is undoubtedly the company of the future that will develop and popularize neural networks.

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