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Some common problems with pull down kitchen faucets

Common problems with pull down kitchen faucets

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The kitchen is a very important area of our home. One should be very careful before buying kitchen fixtures. The kitchen faucet is one item which plays a vital role in performing kitchen tasks. Pull down faucets are preferred because of their convenience in handling, you can easily manipulate them during washing and rinsing of utensils. Its head is in the pull-down position and that is why it allows the water to fall perfectly on the utensils and make them clean. The advantage with this faucet model is that it is a hanging faucet and can reach all the spots in the sink. Cleaning of things become very easy with this kitchen faucet.

Because of their stylish and modern look, now a day they are everybody’s favorite. However, pull-down faucets have some disadvantages which often goes unnoticed. Here we shall overlook these common problems with pull-down kitchen faucets-

Low water pressure

One disadvantage with pull-down faucets is that they are not suitable for households with low water pressure. The water flow might be decreased because of the height of the spout.

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However, innovation in the recent days is trying to address this issue and make pull-down faucets which will be free from any defect. This will certainly make them in demand compared to the pull-out ones. Now a day many sink designs have come into the market which will make it less likely to have kitchen faucet in the middle of the sink.

The possibility of overflowing

If it is a cheap quality kitchen faucet model, then there is a chance that the sprayer might get broken and your house will be overflooded. The flow is really bad that comes from pull-down faucets if there is water pipeline burst at your house.

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Not suitable for small sinks

Apart from that, pull-down faucets are not suitable for the smaller sinks. You will have to check the height above the sink before investing on a pull-down faucet.

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Measurements are very important when you consider buying a pull-down kitchen faucet. People often confuse whether to buy pull-down faucets or not. Both the pull-down and pull out patterns have their advantages and disadvantages. If you have less space in the kitchen then pull out faucets will fit the bill. A kitchen faucet will always be in the middle of the sink, you cannot fix it in a different place. So pull out faucets will score extra points in this respect.


Pull down faucets are usually the most sought after one in the market because they can offer a variety of spray. However, if you have a small sink, you should not go for it. It is an individual choice and if you are ok working with these issues then you consider a quality pull-down kitchen faucet. If you give emphasis on the appearance and decoration of your kitchen then pull down kitchen faucet is a good idea. Some other aspects you should consider including faucet coverage, the height of the cabinets located above your sink etc.

Judging all these common problems with pull-down kitchen faucets aspects, you should reach a consensus. You can consider these faucet models which have received some reviews-

Kingston Brass GS8775CTL

Belanger LOF78CBN Kitchen Sink Faucet

Delta Faucet P188152LF Peerless Apex

Kohler K-780-VS Cruette Pull-Down Kitchen Faucet

We can help you with your faucet installation requirements. Kindly call us at Mr right services!

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