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Why is the water produced by my RO purifier tasting bad?

RO water tasting bad

Water is an amazing solvent. It has a tendency to dissolve substances that come in contact with it like chemicals, salts, metal, microbes, impurities and so on. Water that is supplied to your home is purified at the source but during transmission from the source to your taps it gets contaminated. The pipeline that carry water to your home are usually underground. Usually, there can be numerous types of bad tastes of RO water. For example, with time the pipelines wear out and develop cracks. In many areas water lines and sewage line are very close to each other. Water thus dissolve microbes and impurities and gets contaminated. These dissolved impurities effect the taste, odor and quality of water.

The RO water purifiers remove the dissolved salts, minerals and microbes and make the taste of water suitable for consumption. Sometimes RO systems fails to remove the dissolved impurities. This effects the taste of water.

5 known bad tastes of RO water and their reason are:

Metallic taste 

The metallic taste can be due to the copper tubing used in your RO system. It can also be due to high TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) in water normally chloride, sulfate and bicarbonates.

Our Pick

Here are some more TDS Meters you can find online:-

  1. ZeroWater ZT-2 Electronic Water Tester 
  2. Sixia TDS+pH Meter Digital Water Tester 
  3. HoneForest TDS Meter, EC Meter & Temperature Meter 
  4. VIVOSUN pH and TDS Meter 

Bitter taste

It is due to increased carbon dioxide in water which increase the pH level of water and makes it bitter in taste.

Rotten egg taste & smell

It is due to high sulfur content in water. Sometimes due to damaged filter and membrane the sulfur content is not removed by the RO system. Also a long period of non-use and improper sanitizing gives RO water a rotten egg smell.

If you are looking for a Filter change, here are some recommendations:-

Salty & Sour

Salty taste of water is due to the dissolved salts and solids (TDS) in it A malfunctioning RO system is not able to remove TDS from water and gives it a salty, sour taste

Tap water like taste

It is a clear indication that the membrane of RO is ruptured, damaged or deteriorated. It needs to be changed immediately.

Bad taste of RO water is due to the malfunctioning of RO system. Over time the filters, membrane and other components of RO system deteriorate. Also if the RO system is not cleaned and sanitized regularly, water taste goes bad. RO filters must be checked and replaced in every 6-8 months. The semipermeable membrane should be replaced in every 2 years. It is very important to get RO serviced in every 3 months.

Our Pick

If you are planning to buy a new RO System, we have some recommendations for you:-

  1. Express Water UV Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System 
  2. APEC Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System 
  3. iSpring Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Filter System 
  4. FS-TFC 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System 
  5. AmazonBasics 4-Stage Reverse Osmosis Home Drinking Water System 

If water from your RO system taste like one of the above, book a case for RO service, membrane change, RO filter change with Mr.Right.

For more information on RO system refer to Ideas by Mr.Right

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